Increasing Cash Flow and Deploying Capital Efficiently
Governance Benefits of ESal

We’ve talked about the environmental and social impact that can be made through Engineered Salinity’s technology. Let’s speak to the actual dollars and cents aspect of what our work delivers for your bottom line.
The cost of new barrels is going up. WAY up.
By recovering more oil from a field you’ve already drilled, you will likely utilize your existing equipment and extract oil for longer than anyone thought possible. Consequently, not only do you have more sustainable cash flows, but you’re also spending significantly less on capital expenditures.
You’ve just reduced a substantial budgetary line item without needing to drill new wells.
Consider this. We’re using:
· The same equipment used for initial drilling
· The same people – nobody is required to receive new certification.
· The same procedures and processes
Meanwhile, you’re getting another decade or more of production from a well, extracting an additional 30% of oil from the same well in the field.